





最大 50 m 離れた場所から漏れ箇所を正確に特定できる漏れ検知テクノロジーがあるとしたら、どうでしょう。Fluke ii900 産業用超音波カメラは、エアリークを確実に検知する「革新的製品」です。


Powering Progress: The Drive for Grid Modernization

Microgrids combine solar, wind, battery, and diesel/natural gas generators to form a shared supply for local demand. Benefits include energy management independence and security for local communities.


True RMS tools for energy efficient HVAC systems

HVAC technology true-RMS meters are essential test tools for accurately measuring and troubleshooting complex HVAC control systems.


Fluke Tools + Future of Wind Power and Solar Energy

Watch this video to how Fluke tools are supporting the future of solar energy, wind power and renewable energy.


Best tools for energy efficiency management

Make energy efficiency a part of your preventive maintenance plan to make a positive impact on your bottom line, improve plant performance, and maintain uptime.


Global wind energy growth driving demand for wind turbine technicians

As wind turbine technician jobs are growing, and new wind tech schools are popping up to provide training. Fluke has the tools to help wind turbine technicians troubleshoot wind energy problems.


3D Printing Turbocharges Rapid Prototyping

Development of 3D printing and rapid prototyping at Fluke for new tools and for small part runs.


Case study: Inside a Wind Energy Tower Tech Community

As the wind energy industry evolves, so does the wind technician community. Learn how a unique wind tech community shares troubleshooting and solutions online.


What new California solar law means for workers

As California approaches a state-wide mandate to add solar to all new residential construction, the skilled labor gap and solar installation expertise will be top of mind.


Your Low-Cost Electrical Audit: What to Test, and How

Your Low-Cost Electrical Audit: What to Test, and How Energy conservation programs don't have to entail major investments in new equipment and systems. Often facilities maintenance teams and/or outside contractors can achieve significant savings in electric power used and billed just by testing and tuning up the systems they have today. With just operational changes or different maintenance practices, they can find savings to strengthen the bottom line, reinvest for even greater savings, or both.


If you knew how much it cost to run that equipment

If you knew how much it cost to run that equipment


Case study: Energy logger helps cut utility surcharges and power waste

At commercial buildings and industrial plants, energy costs can quickly add up, especially when older lighting systems are in place, motors age and the compressed air lines snaking around the plant leak, requiring unnecessary cycling of compressors.


Using a single-phase VFD to run three-phase fans

Kiln-drying wood is a 24/7 process. That is why Zena Forest Products mill owner Ben Deumling was so anxious to ensure that the new dry kiln he was setting up was as energy-efficient as possible. Deumling started with a 24-foot kiln built from a repurposed refrigerated shipping container, and installed a set of three ¼-horsepower single-phase fans to move the warm air over the wood.


Say goodbye to the incandescent lightbulb (as we know it)

One approach to getting full life out of a CFL bulb would be to leave it on longer, reducing the heater- filament-stressing on-off cycles. In my experience, described above, you could leave it on five times as long as an incandescent lamp and not use any more energy.


Save money with best practices and an energy inspection checklist

With the economic downturn, many facility managers are facing very tight operation and maintenance budgets. Capital expenditures for new HVAC mechanical equipment have likely either been frozen or eliminated.
One way to free up financial resources is to tune up existing HVAC equipment. Follow best maintenance practices and the increased operating efficiency will reduce energy consumption.


How to Identify the Easiest Energy Savings in Your Facility

ROI for industrial energy efficiency programs. How manufacturing plants can identify energy waste, save on utilities, and industrial energy costs.


Fluke developing smart grid technology

You may have read about the new Smart Grid currently in development by various manufacturers, utilities and government agencies worldwide. At the highest level, the idea behind the Smart Grid is to add far more "intelligent" devices to the transmission of high voltage across a large power grid such as the continental U.S.


How much does energy waste cost you?

Managing energy efficiency in your facility can save money. Conducting an energy inspection can show you how to reduce energy costs by up to 25 percent.
Energy is a critical issue for facilities around the world. Undiscovered and uncorrected energy waste represents tremendous potential savings.


How to calculate the payback of test tools

Now that budgets and staff are smaller, it's not uncommon for management to ask for justification before authorizing tool purchases. The key phrase here is return on investment (ROI), or how long will it take to save enough money, using the tool, to cover the cost of purchasing the tool.


Find industrial energy waste

With energy savings, there's intent and then there's plan. Industrial facilities in the United States show a sustained interest in energy management. That's the intent: Reduce overall energy usage or sustain usage but increase the amount produced per kW used.
In manufacturing, a plan will only stick if it has both the wisdom of experience guiding the vision and the ROI numbers to back up the effort. But in energy, there just isn't the body of research out there for an industrial plant manager to use to set baselines for what "reasonable" energy usage looks like in a manufacturing facility.


Considering cogeneration?

Cogeneration - also known as combined heat and power or CHP - is the process of generating electricity and usable heat at the same time. The term has a modern, "green energy" ring to it, but cogeneration has been around since Edison's Pearl Street Station used heat from its turbines to warm the buildings of lower Manhattan in the 1880s.


Energy auditing and weatherization with thermal imagers

The first step in evaluating a building's energy use involves an energy audit. This consists of various home performance tests which identify opportunities to reduce energy use. Once the audit is complete, various weatherization techniques are performed to improve the energy efficiency of the building, often called 'weatherizing'.


Peak Efficiency Cogeneration

“Cogeneration” captures heat from energy-intensive industrial processes and puts it back to work—to make steam that drives a turbine generator or that heats other parts of the facility, for example. Heat recovery can increase energy efficiency by 30 percent or more. Cogeneration has garnered a lot of attention as a result, and sophisticated, almost  turnkey cogeneration solutions are now available in a range of sizes. Even the most sophisticated cogeneration system, however, is an electromechanical system that requires regular maintenance for reliable operation at peak efficiency.